Jan 16, 2025
The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments challenging a district court ruling that authorized the USDA to continue certifying soil-less hydroponic operations as organic under the organic label.
Read ArticleAnother legal move is made in a bid to get rid of hydroponics in organic.
Read ArticleDespite the fact that it is a clear and utter violation of Section 6513 of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, a federal judge has ruled that hydroponics can be allowed in organic.
Read ArticleThe legal case against allowing hydroponics in organic — one of the real injustices in our industry — starts tomorrow with the public oral argument.
Read ArticleHydroponics is a complete violation of Section 6513 of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, and this growing method cannot be allowed in organic.
Read ArticleAn update on CCOF’s discussion about whether it should continue to certify hydroponic operations as organic.
Read ArticleCalling food grown without soil-based nutrients “organic” amounts to fraud, say some organic farmers.
Read ArticleIn an unprecedented action, The Cornucopia Institute has come out with a scorecard of all organic certifiers, a handful of whom have allowed ‘organic factory farms’ and organic hydroponic operators to proliferate.
Read ArticleAt a meeting last week in Florida, Jenny Tucker, who oversees the National Organic Program for the USDA, said that hydroponics is “a settled issue.” Fortunately, the Center for Food Safety’s legal action is challenging this assessment.
Read ArticleThe USDA has been allowing hydroponics in organic — a complete violation of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. This morning, Center for Food Safety filed a legal petition with the USDA to stop this from happening. We will be covering this development in much more detail in next week’s Organic Insider.
Read ArticleThe EU has taken a number of very positive steps to boost the organic sector, including banning hydroponics, increasing the supply of organic seeds, and implementing strict, risk-based checks along the supply chain.
Read ArticleWith the NOSB refusing to forbid hydroponics in organic, it appears that litigation may be imminent.
Read ArticleThe issue of hydroponics being allowed in organics is very muddled. The NOSB’s task force just released its report on hydroponics, which doesn’t do much to clear up the confusion.
Read ArticleThe watchdog group is targeting organic certifiers that allow hydroponics and livestock factories, among other things, and it labels major certifiers CCOF, Oregon Tilth and QAI as “ethically-challenged.”
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