A massive victory for the chemical industry, who will now have further ammunition to co-opt this term and create greater confusion in the marketplace.
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A massive victory for the chemical industry, who will now have further ammunition to co-opt this term and create greater confusion in the marketplace.
Read ArticleDespite Governor Gavin Newsom’s goal of converting 10% of its cropland to organic by 2030, the state’s organic acreage has now declined for two straight years.
Read ArticleResearchers at Kansas State University have also gained a new understanding of the role of different minerals, chemicals, and microbes involved in soil carbon storage.
Read ArticleAccording to a new report, food and agriculture multinationals are embracing the vague term without changing their polluting ways.
Read ArticleA recent study shows that average net returns for organic commodity crops has plummeted to the lowest ever recorded.
Read ArticleA major loss for consumers and the environment, as a lawsuit attempted to require farmers to have Clean Water Act discharge permits for their operations.
Read ArticleWould these farmers be facing such hardships if the USDA’s National Organic Program cracked down on organic dairy CAFOs?
Read ArticleMore than 90 farmers in Iowa, Minnesota and other states recently received “clawback” letters surrounding the 2022 bankruptcy of Iowa-based Global Processing, Incorporated.
Read ArticleA new study out of Germany found that organic farming practices lead directly to lower parasite load and higher colony growth.
Read ArticleAccording to the latest Census of Agriculture data, the number of U.S. organic farms has declined by nearly 5% over the past five years, from 18,166 in 2017 to 17,321 in 2022.
Read ArticleA very hopeful story about an organization that is helping farmers find an alternative to factory farming.
Read ArticleAn Australian start-up is hoping fungi can pull carbon dioxide from the air and stash it underground.
Read ArticleOrganizations such as the World Wildlife Fund are laundering the meat industry’s propaganda. At what cost?
Read ArticleAccording to Organic Voices, experts and scientists are deeply concerned that many methodologies employed by non-organic regenerative certification programs lack the objectivity and integrity that both consumers and retailers expect.
Read ArticleThe EU’s Farm to Fork strategy is aiming for 25% organic farmland by 2030, but recent growth numbers indicate that this target will not be met.
Read ArticleThe Biden administration aims to better support small farmers while still aiding big operations and rewarding climate-friendly practices. It’s a tall order.
Read ArticleA study recently published in the journal Nature found that organic food has a significantly lower environmental impact than conventional, including a lower potential for contributing to acidification of the environment, energy use and biodiversity loss.
Read ArticleThe debate between the two labels continues to intensify.
Read ArticleIn a 23-year study at the University of Bonn, researchers found that organic barley adapted to its environment far better than conventionally-grown barley.
Read ArticleThis GMO hemp variety is designed to have higher levels of the cannabinoid CBG.
Read ArticleProfessor Kathleen Delate at Iowa State University will use modeling and field research to understand the long-term impacts of crop rotations, no-till practices and use of composted animal manure for fertilizer.
Read ArticleNOFFP has been awarded a $640,000 grant from the USDA and will use an additional $639,000 in matching funds from business, non-profits, and other sponsors for a groundbreaking initiative aimed at revitalizing the northeast organic dairy sector.
Read ArticleThe most telling sentence of the report was “With U.S. consumer demand for organic food growing faster than certified organic acreage, an extensive organic trade sector also emerged.” Meaning, instead of the U.S. making domestic organic production a priority, we have sent these farming jobs offshore.
Read ArticleThe European Environment Agency’s latest report found that current policy support is insufficient to reach the target.
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