A petition signed by 420,000 EU citizens demands that all GMOs, including gene-edited foods, remain regulated and labeled.
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A petition signed by 420,000 EU citizens demands that all GMOs, including gene-edited foods, remain regulated and labeled.
Read ArticleIn an attempt to harmonize green claims and create eco-labels that cover various aspects of food production, the EU organic sector has swiftly opposed this measure and called the situation “worrying.”
Read ArticleOn January 1st, new organic rules in the EU went into effect, with the goal of ensuring fair competition for farmers.
Read ArticleWords you would never see from a leading USDA official.
Read ArticleWhile the U.S. languishes at less than 1% of organic farmland, the European Commission has committed additional resources to reach its 25% organic goal by 2030.
Read ArticleNot an encouraging sign for those of us who believe that aquaculture should not be allowed in organic in the U.S.
Read ArticleUnless an equivalency agreement is soon reached as part of the trade deal, organic food exports from the UK to the EU could effectively cease.
Read ArticleStakeholders fear organic food exports will be banned if mutual recognition is not agreed upon between the UK and EU by December 31, 2020.
Read ArticleEU farmers are concerned that, as it stands, supply of organic food may well outstrip demand, which they say could “kill” the sector.
Read ArticleIn his inaugural speech at the EU’s Agricultural Outlook conference, Janusz Wojciechowski vowed to support organic farming while reducing excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Read ArticleThe decision to ban this brain-damaging chemical is a major win for health and environmental groups.
Read ArticleBeginning in December, U.S. law states that ‘non-synthetic flavors’ may be used when organic flavors are not commercially available, while new rules in the EU regarding organic produce come into effect in January.
Read ArticleThe Soil Association has launched a Brexit readiness support service to help organic businesses prepare for a possible no-deal scenario on October 31, something that would halt organic exports to the EU.
Read ArticleRoger Kerr, CEO of Organic Farmers & Growers, has issued a dire warning that organic food suppliers would undoubtedly go out of business if a “no deal Brexit” takes place.
Read ArticleThe EU has taken a number of very positive steps to boost the organic sector, including banning hydroponics, increasing the supply of organic seeds, and implementing strict, risk-based checks along the supply chain.
Read ArticleIn an important ruling, the EU’s General Court said that consumer and environmental groups could challenge the way the European Commission authorizes the sale of GMOs.
Read ArticleThe Washington Post’s investigation into fraudulent imported organic grains from abroad has prompted the EU to see if it is suffering from similar problems.
Read ArticleA European court has ruled that mutagenesis, a gene-editing technique, is exempt from GMO rules.
Read ArticleIn a surprise and controversial twist, Germany served as a key vote in extending the license for the controversial weedkiller for five more years.
Read ArticleThe new regulations aim to harmonize rules on organic production throughout the EU, reduce red tape, and make it easier for new products to get certification.
Read ArticleThe new proposed rules will have stricter control over supply chains, measures to avoid pesticide contamination and new standards for imports.
Read ArticleRetailers in the UK are reporting sales growth of organic food of up to 16%, the highest in more than a decade.
Read ArticlePolitico does a fascinating piece on how some EU countries decertify organic products while other EU countries don’t.
Read ArticleOne unintended consequence of a Brexit will be a jump in prices of organic food in Europe. Will this happen?
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