A major organic seed company in New York has surprised its supporters by announcing it will end sales and give hundreds of varieties away, declaring “we can no longer commodify our beloved kin, these seeds, or ourselves.”
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A major organic seed company in New York has surprised its supporters by announcing it will end sales and give hundreds of varieties away, declaring “we can no longer commodify our beloved kin, these seeds, or ourselves.”
Read ArticleWater utilities took issue with the rule, saying treatment systems are expensive to install and that customers will end up paying more for water.
Read ArticleGMO 2.0 plants need more regulation, not less. A worrisome development.
Read ArticleAnother country that wants to force Mexico to accept GMOs.
Read ArticleOrganic has a new challenge. It’s not getting consumers to pay the higher prices, it’s convincing enough farmers to get past their organic reluctance and start taking advantage of the revenue pouring in.
Read ArticleThe war in Ukraine has forced farmers in Uganda to utilize an unlikely resource.
Read ArticleThe European Union’s executive arm proposed setting legally binding targets to reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 50% and a ban on all pesticide use in areas such public parks, playgrounds and schools.
Read ArticleJustice prevails! The Washington Supreme Court has narrowly upheld an $18 million fine levied against an association of large food brands that funneled dark money into a state political campaign.
Read ArticleFamily-owned vineyards have reported losses of more than 90% since Bayer-Monsanto and BASF began selling their dicamba-based, genetically-modified seed system to cotton growers.
Read ArticleA South Dakota man bought about $46 million worth of non-organic seed, sold it as organic for about $71 million and used the profits to buy a yacht, Florida home, jewelry, expensive vehicles and land, among other things.
Read ArticleSmall farmers in India face perilous changes in the marketplace, which will favor large-scale farming and more corporate control — and the environmental consequences that come along with that.
Read ArticleCiting health and environmental concerns, the Mexican government says it won’t allow a 1,000-ton shipment of the super-toxic herbicide glyphosate into the country.
Read ArticlePanorama Meats, the nation’s largest producer of 100% grass-fed and grass-finished certified organic beef, has been purchased by Perdue Premium Meat Company.
Read ArticleSunOpta, a publicly-traded global company focused on organic, non-gmo and specialty foods, has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the shares of Sanmark B.V., a business focused on organic oils for the food, pharmacy, and cosmetic industries.
Read ArticleClif Bar launched the Clif Ag Fund, a new investment fund to help increase the economic resilience of organic farmers in its supply chain.
Read ArticleWith the organic industry plagued by fraudulent grains from abroad, we now have reason to worry about suspect organic grains grown here in the U.S.
Read ArticleDue to the fact that the DARK Act recently passed, The State of Vermont, the Grocery Manufacturers Association and others food groups have agreed to dismiss a federal lawsuit challenging Vermont’s law which would have required GMOs to be labeled. Unfortunately for consumers, the federal law overrides the state law.
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