The product would be sold at outlets such as Home Depot, and consumers would add water to the boxes and the genetically-engineered Aedes aegypti will hatch. Terrifying.
Read ArticleThe product would be sold at outlets such as Home Depot, and consumers would add water to the boxes and the genetically-engineered Aedes aegypti will hatch. Terrifying.
Read ArticleMembers of the California legislature are demanding a comprehensive review of the GE-mosquitos’ potential impacts on public health and the environment — before they get approved for release.
Read ArticleIn an incredibly reckless decision, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services approved the extension of Oxitec’s two-year field trial, which includes releasing several billion more genetically-engineered mosquitoes into the Florida Keys — one of Florida’s most ecologically sensitive areas.
Read ArticleMore than 6,000 stakeholder comments were delivered to the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Department of Pesticide Regulation, urging the agency to halt the proposed release of genetically-engineered mosquitoes.
Read ArticleThis completely unnecessary technology is set to be unleashed on yet another state. Tragic.
Read ArticleThis dangerous science experiment — something we wrote about last year — has begun in Florida.
Read ArticleSomething we wrote about last year, this is merely the prelude to up to one billion of these “insects” to be released over the next two years.
Read ArticleDespite the public outcry and scientific dispute over the human health and environment risks, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control Board gave the green light for the release of 750 million GE-mosquitoes over the next two years.
Read ArticleIn an incredibly risky move, the EPA granted permission for genetically engineered mosquitoes to be released into the Florida Keys and around Houston.
Read ArticleTraces of the GMO insects have been detected in the natural population of mosquitoes, which was never supposed to happen.
Read ArticleOxitec filed an application with the EPA to release of a new type of GMO mosquito in the Florida Keys to kill a species known to carry fatal diseases.
Read ArticleHaving failed to achieve its desired results with the release of millions of GMO mosquitos, The Cayman Islands have terminated their contract with Oxitec as of December 31st.
Read ArticleA Defense Department-funded “food security project” could also be used as a biological weapon, something that should frighten us to no end.
Read ArticleIt has been uncovered that scientists overseeing a GMO-mosquito test in the Cayman Islands said that the project was not a success, contrary to what the company claims. Is anyone the least bit surprised?
Read ArticleWhat was once a fight only in the Florida Keys has now shifted to the Lone Star state.
Read ArticleThe Max Planck Institute tackles the seldom discussed subject of whether GMO mosquitos can ruin the integrity of organic products.
Read ArticleCenter for Food Safety and other non-profit groups sue the FDA over the fast-tracked and irresponsible approval of GMO mosquitos in Florida.
Read ArticleA county in Florida has approved the release of GMO mosquitos but one roadblock remains.
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